How to set positioning for swatches

When a product belongs to multiple swatch groups, all associated swatches will be displayed on the product page. You can control the order in which these swatches appear using the positioning settings.

Setting Swatch Group Positions

  1. Navigate to Product Groups: Click on the product groups from the Platmart app's left side menu.
  2. Select the Swatch: Choose the specific swatch you want to reposition.
  3. Open Advanced Settings: Click on the "Advanced" option to reveal additional swatch settings.
  4. Set the Position: Assign a numerical value to the "Position" field. By default, all swatches are set to 1.

Prioritizing Swatch Display

To prioritize one swatch over another on the same product page, simply assign different position values. For example, if you want Swatch A to appear before Swatch B, set Swatch A's position to 1 and Swatch B's position to 2.

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If you're having issues with setting up the swatch position please get in touch with support and we'll help you.

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