Product swatches widget
Our app provides both an App embed and an App block for the product page. Both render the same swatches widget but in slightly different ways.
App embed (recommended)
- Finds position to insert widget automatically
- Support all types of themes: modern and vintage
open large video player in a new tab
We recommend starting with App embed. It's more universal and will be sufficient in most cases.
App block
- Must be manually positioned on the product page
- Works only with modern Online Store 2.0 themes
- Slightly faster loading (implemented in Liquid)
open large video player in a new tab
Use App block when you need to change the position of the widget on the product page.
Change the position of the widget
To change the widget's position, use the App block. You can move it to the right place in the Theme Editor.
If you want to change the widget position in a theme that doesn't fully support App blocks on the product page, please contact support, and we'll help you.