Manage groups via CSV

1. Go to the Product groups page and click on More action > Import.

2. Download the CSV template. Use it as a sample for the required CSV format.

3. Fill the template with your data. You can do it in Google Sheets (recommended), Excel, or Numbers for that. If you're using Google Sheets click File > Import to load CSV into the spreadsheet.

4. Export table to CSV. In Google Sheets, you can do it by clicking File > Download > CSV.

5. Upload exported CSV to the app and click Import groups.

6. Wait for the import to complete.

Available swatch_type values:

  • one_color (requires filling color_one column)
  • two_colors (requires filling columns color_one and color_two )
  • custom_image (requires proving image_url )
  • product_image
  • image_with_text (uses product image and requires filling swatch_name column)
  • pill (text-based swatch, requires filling swatch_name column)

Available display_for values:

  • products_and_collections (default)
  • products (to display group only on product widget)
  • collections (to display group only on collection widget)
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