Manage groups via API

Platmart Swatches app provides RESTful JSON API. The API supports only HTTPS calls. Please note that API is available only on Premium plan. You can use it for free on development stores.

Base URL:


The API uses Shop Domain and API Token to authenticate requests. They can be found in Settings > API credentials:

When making a request, pass credentials in Shop-Domain and Authorization headers. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticated request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \

NOTE: $SHOP_DOMAIN must be myshopify domain, for example: .

Throughout the API docs we provide cURL examples. To try them in your shell set the following env variables with your API credentials:


Rate limits

You can make up to 60 API calls per minute. If you'll cross the limit you'll start getting 429 error. If you need help with optimizing your API code please contact support.


The API uses standard HTTP codes. In general, codes in the 2xx  range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx  range indicate the request failed with the information provided. Codes in the 5xx  range indicate an error with our servers.

Example error:

{ "error" "Bad credentials" }


The API follows the RFC5988 convention of using the Link  header to provide URLs for the next  page. Follow this convention to retrieve the next page of data.

Example Link header:

Link: <>; rel="first", <>; rel="last"


List all group

Returns a paginated list of groups.

Endpoint: GET /groups.json

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \

Get single group

Returns single group.

Endpoint: GET /groups/{GROUP_ID}.json

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \

Create group

Create group with specified products. Returns created group.

Endpoint: POST /groups.json


  • title - group title, for internal use only
  • option_name - name, displayed in swatches widget (eg Color, Style, etc.). The field is optional, it will be set to "Color" by default
  • option_name_translations[] - translations for option_name (optional). To reset translations pass empty array
    • locale - language code (eg "en" or "en_US")
    • market_id - ID of the market (optional)
    • value - translation value
  • products_attributes[] : - array of products
    • shopify_id - Shopify Product ID
    • position - position in swatch (optional)
    • swatch_name - name of swatch
    • swatch_name_translations[] - translations for swatch_name (optional). To reset translations pass empty array
      • locale - language code (eg "en" or "en_US")
      • market_id - ID of the market (optional)
      • value - translation value
    • swatch_type - available values are: “one_color”, “two_colors”, “custom_image”, “product_image”, "image_with_text", "pill"
    • color_one - first color in HEX format
    • color_two - second color in HEX format, required only when swatch type is set to "two_colors"
    • image_url - public URL to image that should be used in swatch, required only when swatch type is set to “custom_image”

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"title": "Backpack", "option_name": "Color", "products_attributes": [{"shopify_id": 7453910991090, "swatch_name": "Black", "swatch_type": "one_color", "color_one": "#000000"}]}' \

Example request with translations:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"title": "Backpack", "option_name": "Color", "option_name_translations": [{"locale": "en", "market_id": 916514, "value": "Colour"}], "products_attributes": [{"shopify_id": 7029021311154, "swatch_name": "Black", "swatch_name_translations": [{"locale": "es", "value": "Negro"}], "swatch_type": "one_color", "color_one": "#000000"}]}' \

Update group

Update group details. Can be used to add/remove products from group. Returns updated group.

Endpoint: PATCH /groups/{GROUP_ID}.json


  • title - group title, for internal use only
  • option_name - name, displayed in swatches widget (eg Color, Style, etc.). The field is optional, it will be set to "Color" by default
  • option_name_translations[] - translations for option_name (optional). To reset translations pass empty array
    • locale - language code (eg "en" or "en_US")
    • market_id - ID of the market (optional)
    • value - translation value
  • products_attributes[] : - array of products
    • _destroy - if set to "1" will remove the product from group (optional)
    • id - internal product ID
    • shopify_id - Shopify Product ID
    • position - position in swatch (optional)
    • swatch_name - name of swatch
    • swatch_name_translations[] - translations for swatch_name (optional). To reset translations pass empty array
      • locale - language code (eg "en" or "en_US")
      • market_id - ID of the market (optional)
      • value - translation value
    • swatch_type - available values are: “one_color”, “two_colors”, “custom_image”, “product_image”, "image_with_text", "pill"
    • color_one - first color in HEX format
    • color_two - second color in HEX format, required only when swatch type is set to "two_colors"
    • image_url - public URL to image that should be used in swatch, required only when swatch type is set to “custom_image”

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"title": "New Title", "option_name": "Color", "products_attributes": [{"shopify_id": 7453911089394, "swatch_name": "White", "swatch_type": "one_color", "color_one": "#ffffff"}]}' \

Delete group

Removes group. Returns 200 status code without content.

Endpoint: DELETE /groups/{GROUP_ID}.json

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \

Add product to group

Adds product to a group/updates product. The group is identified by a title. If the group doesn't exist it will be created. If the product has already been added to another group - it will be removed from it and added to the specified group. Returns updated group.

Endpoint: POST /shopify_products/{SHOPIFY_ID}/add_to_group.json


  • group
    • title - group title, used to identify group
    • option_name - name, displayed in swatches widget (eg Color, Style, etc.). The field is optional, it will be set to "Color" by default. The field used only when new group is created
  • position - position in swatch (optional)
  • swatch_name - name of swatch
  • swatch_name_translations[] - translations for swatch_name (optional). To reset translations pass empty array
    • locale - language code (eg "en" or "en_US")
    • market_id - ID of the market (optional)
    • value - translation value
  • swatch_type - available values are: “one_color”, “two_colors”, “custom_image”, “product_image”
  • color_one - first color in HEX format
  • color_two - second color in HEX format, required only when swatch type is set to "two_colors"
  • image_url - public URL to image that should be used in swatch, required only when swatch type is set to “custom_image”
  • reuse_exiting_swatch - when set to "true" we'll try to find existing swatch by "swatch_name" and only if it's not found then create new swatch. Default to "false"

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"group": {"title": "Backpack"}, "swatch_name": "Black", "swatch_type": "one_color", "color_one": "#000000"}' \

Remove product from group

Remove product from its current group. If there are no products left in the group then the group will be deleted as well. Returns 200 status code without content.

Endpoint: POST /shopify_products/{SHOPIFY_ID}/remove_from_group.json

Example request:

curl -H "Shop-Domain: $SHOP_DOMAIN" \
  -H "Authorization: Token token=$API_TOKEN" \
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